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Desensitizer Page 3

  In the time it takes our foundations to form,

  Bend the Laws or force their break,

  Place your bet on the highest stake,

  All or nothing, piece of cake,

  Conspiritus Sancti,

  We are brothers in this institution,

  Pushing for rise in our revolution,

  Expect all forms of irritations,

  When plans conceived call for initiation,

  Evade their capture, lest ye be enslaved,

  Elude their raid and escape unscathed,

  Fortune do’st favour the brave,

  Conspiritus Sancti,

  Ride forth, carry the torch,

  Resume the course with vigilant force,

  Never leak the least remorse,

  Conspiritus Sancti…

  Exit Scenario

  “Every man who keeps the code is aware what he must do. His mission is silent, confidential, and will have sworn to be taken to the grave. He accepts that he will die before betraying his brothers and the code and uphold the honour. And not just have faith but the sound knowledge that he does make a difference. His service doesn’t go unnoticed either. What he does counts – just, nobody else knows about it. No one’s to know the who, what nor where nor when. Coordination of their assignments work thoroughly better by far when it isn’t monitored all the way. It won’t be interrupted – and generally works better that way. Under the radar, sleight of hand. These men don’t exist – and we aren’t meant to know what they’re doing. But we’re to have the faith, the trust, that our governing leaders will do what’s best by us, the secret brethren monitor those. They have the best interests of our beloved nation at heart and work tirelessly to maintain it, covertly protect and defend the interests of the public, cloak and dagger. When you’ve got to set things straight – you want to do it right – and the best way to make an impact is by catching them unaware and off-guard. And so much so that despite all the timing, effort, meticulousness gone into the charge – catching them at an inconvenient time will ensure half the battle is won. Surprise is a leg up in the cause. Surprise puts you in favour.” – Vellecklayne.

  Enter Scenario

  “Some people want what they think they want – what they’re told to want. Perhaps this directionless folk need stronger people to influence them with what to do – what’s – let’s say, is socially acceptable. Intolerable when you’ve got a misogynist, fascist government employing terror tactics to enforce compliance.

  Kids bullied at school who learn to educate themselves enough to gain power in politics to enforce new policies – ridiculous as some have been – in spite of the grudge as far back as school days between clichés - sorry cliques. I can never get enough of using cliché instead of clique. Unfortunately, it doesn’t just happen in school and after – it’ll happen even in the family home amidst you and your siblings or you and your parents.

  Your siblings, if not you – could be led to want what you or they might not necessarily want themselves – and this might go so far back that you don’t even remember when it might have begun. You might not even know you do. Family can be led astray and aim to achieve false ideals by having been taught to want – maybe something out of their reasonable reach but still not quite what they wanted originally.

  It happens everywhere. And more often than you think. Differences in choices over what people can want for themselves as compared to what is wanted of them, for them – by another. Sound familiar?” – Ccessetti.

  Dance Muppet, Dance

  You can say what you want,

  But is it really what YOU want?

  Your face is gaunt, I see they taunt,

  How much longer is this gonna go on?

  Their hands up your arse,

  And they’ve got a tight grasp,

  They’re pulling at your strings,

  And you dance and sing,

  You say what you want to do,

  But is it what YOU want to do?

  Ulterior motives brew, yours are askew,

  But I can see through this tainted view,

  They’ve got their hands up your arse,

  And they’re tightening their grasp,

  They’re pulling and plucking at your strings,

  Making you do their dance and you sing,

  You’re a Muppet, a Puppet, a Marionette,

  You can’t even see this makes you upset,

  It’s no secret – soon you’ll have regrets,

  Anyone can do sinister things and never truly forget,

  Their hands are up your arse,

  Having a blast with their tight grasp,

  Plucking and pulling on your strings,

  Making you dance and sing,

  …Dance and sing,

  …Dance and sing,

  Making you dance…

  Exit Scenario

  “I’ve seen it in my family and God knows I’ve tried to fight my way out of it myself – and once broken out away – felt lost, almost directionless; only different because I had some kind of drive, and I didn’t know what to do with it – I only knew what I didn’t want to do with it. I have since managed to have the luck in finding better influences to share my energies with and somehow – over quite some time, heal with a new growth over the top of old scars – the kind of scars you don’t see.

  And then that direction became clear to me once more – but again armed with the drive and an ambition to strive for more, began a quest set in never settling for less. I injected myself into society with an all or more attitude – and if one method wasn’t working out – I had it in my mind to improvise and chart a new path, one that wasn’t there prior. Another way.

  But all this time and even still, I am fully aware of what I’m in pursuit of – I know what I want, and I’ll try anything and everything in my power to achieve my target prize. And in those few occasions where I might not necessarily know what I’m doing – fuck, I’ll fake it ’til I make it. Just make it look like I know what I’m doing when I really don’t – until I do…” – Ccessetti.

  Enter Scenario

  “No one should ever tamper with instruments of which they have no understanding. Even if you’re sceptical – there’s a reason why you don’t just play with something you aren’t fully knowledgeable about. Especially if it didn’t belong to you nor were you invited in to it. You may just have the unfortunate luck of being cursed with bad Juju. It could be something as small as a puzzle-box or something as large as sacred land tended to and cared for by an indigenous people of that land.

  It just might be that the sacred land is cursed after a period of time where there were heinous massacres of indigenous people, the curse and or a negative energy radiating from the place where innocent blood fell, and you might feel it if you’re sensitive enough to it… it is possible to be aware of such things and you might not even feel it ’til someone else draws it to your attention. Or you might even fall prey to a phenomenon such as bodily possession of an outside supernatural influence, no matter the case – you can never be too careful with how you handle items or objects or people or environments – whether a believer or not. It depends on the influence you yourself take out on it whatever it be when crossing contact. It could very well be karma settling in…” – Illsequyrie.

  Demon Taking Hold

  Alone in the dark,

  With a weak beatin’ heart,

  Deep within the shadows,

  Midst the blackest of hallows,

  A broken circle of a séance,

  Awakening the chaos,

  Freed an evil of ancient years,

  Feeding off of fears,

  Bodily reanimation,

  Possession by abomination,

  Contortionist folding, insides scalding,

  Demon laying claim firm holding,

sp; Caged to burn eternally,

  An infinite purgatory,

  Alone in the dark to wait,

  Soul slashed and flayed,

  Violent anarchy,

  Numb, shaking, panicking,

  Scabs, cuts, abreisions bleeding,

  Pests and vermin, raw meat eating,

  Awaiting death in the dark alone,

  A bleeding, wasted, bag of bones,

  I could never find an escape,

  And that was just my fate.

  Exit Scenario

  “That age old saying – he who lives by the sword… it goes with anything you do – it’s not particular with what it chooses, karma. But supposed we say it’s not karma? What is it then? How are we afflicted when we may not have even been bringing it on ourselves? That, is a highly, extremely rare case because a lot of the influences we have on things will come back around on us whether there was pure intent or not. It doesn’t matter but more to the point – if you can’t think of any reason why – then it’s probably because you’d have done something without even having paid full attention at the time. But, that’s just normal. It’s about average – everyone does something absent-mindedly but the universe knows – the universe feels the difference. It knows when there is an imbalance and when it picks up on something, lo and behold, you have your complication. Even if it doesn’t directly involve you – but you hear or know something about what it was, then it was intended for you to know and understand and be aware. And that was just the universe reminding you over it. And everyone’s different, everything happens for a reason and sometimes – just sometimes, it might just be the death of another, someone close to us, to remind us of just what it is that we’re doing wrong. Fate can be so unkind. Mind you – if it’s got to happen – you can count that it most definitely will happen – whether you like it or not. It will happen. But you might never know until it’s too late…” – Illsequyrie.

  Enter Scenario

  “The following has been intentionally over-dramatized for its fullest theatrical experience…”

  “Exaggerated for full effect”

  “Hype embellished to maximize voyeur’s enjoyment.”

  “Aggrandized to magnify viewer’s amusement…”

  “Over-emphasized to accentuate substantial pleasure…”

  “Blown completely out of proportion for the audience’s delectation…”


  “…One Man’s nightmare is another Man’s Dream…”



  Don’t want it – Don’t need it,


  Don’t want to be receiving it,



  Keep it away from me,

  Put that thing down if ya wanna hang out,

  Leave it at home, not in the zone, or I’ll knock it out,

  Back it up, what the fuck do you think I just said?

  Hoik it or I’ll destroy it, cause I swear I’m going to lose my head,


  Don’t want it, don’t need it,


  Don’t want to be receiving it,



  Keep that shit away from me,

  The trouble with drama is that drama is trouble,

  And I’ve got enough without you adding double,

  Each to their own – the mystery I marvel,

  Let there be solace in the silence – stay humble


  Don’t Want it – Don’t need it,


  Don’t want to be receiving it,



  Keep it the fuck away from me…

  Exit Scenario

  “I must have a constant sign above my head that reads ‘taking all dramas now!’ cause I sure as hell ain’t out there verbally asking for it and I’m definitely not looking. It finds me…I feel like a bit of a shit magnet sometimes. It takes its’ toll on me – it drives me nuts. I’m always looking to shake some of it off of me, free myself somehow. I try but in ways it somehow follows.

  I can barely stand watching it on television, let alone the shit that goes with me. I seriously have enough of it. I never need more. It steadily builds as I relieve myself of it. It’s madness and I’m in a fierce duel with it. It is as persistent in regrouping and striking at me as I am taking down its’ offense. And I’m battering at it like a madman.

  Grrr, DRAMA!!!” – Xugzeid.

  Enter Scenario

  “Our dreams reflect the subconscious world along-side our conscious world. Our dreams can interpret things are happening in our waking life that can seriously influence us for better or worse. From time to time I have violent dreams where I toss and turn; dreaming of fighting people but lashing out with a fist, or elbow or even, a stranglehold. Which have dead set happened to me. or rather I’ve done these things deep in a sleep and have injured my partners in the past. I seem to have a lot of stress or anger and anxiety in my waking life to somehow influence the dreams I have. And if I’m not fighting some arsehole in my dreams – I’m killing them, with my bare hands. I’ve had many dreams that I have been able to interpret into something whilst others have been more strange and difficult to understand. And on occasion these dreams have disturbed me quite some lot whereupon I have awakened and risen in the very mood I was in in the dream and unable to explain the reason for the emotion, whether anger or misery – the feeling lingered for a good most of the day afterward. I have even sleepwalked. But if there are occasions where this is happening – then I immediately feel and know that something is terribly awry. And my dreams should be by far more peaceful than they are.” – Mugdowie.


  I’m always searching for a scape where I can elate,

  But I fall for the bait that binds me to a state,

  And I fear that its fate that portraits an ill escape,

  When I’m stricken by a force that viciously negates,

  My life is like a dream where inside I find I scream,

  My steam is deemed to stream by means of another fiend’s scheme,

  Other’s keen to intervene try clean from what I’ve been caught between,

  And I meme my esteem is seemed to ream by scenes obscene I’ve seen,

  I couldn’t fathom nor contemplate, why some feel they must obligate;

  Their ruthless need to manipulate or at the very least to frustrate,

  All it does is aggravate and demonstrate a need to retaliate,

  And before long we initiate in a replicated decree to devastate,

  Thought to secrete my defeat is now obsolete,

  A creeping belief each breach to peak is mine alone to reap,

  To bleed and seep deep in plead to receive a peace I seek,

  And if I appease, I succeed with ease, freed of the squeeze under which I’m leeched,

  No matter on the misery others create,

  I best my attempts to play it straight,

  I may deviate or idly relate,

  But only by the fear that I might suffocate,

  I need to meet some fleeting reprieve – a discreet brief relief,

  And greet the cease of deeds in breed that reek of deceit,

  It’s a hurdle I can’t leap that knocks me from my feet,

  Beaten, depleted and awake from my sleep…

  Exit Scenario

  “Imagine a world where everyone was equal – and they all got along; no bullying, patronizing, tormenting, irritating, teasing, disrespecting nor disgusting attitudes. No negativity but blissful peace all round. A future much like everything you could ever dream. Beyond what you’re capable of dreaming of. Solace, comfort, and tranquillity; somewhere you won’t need any escape from all of the terrible things because th
is place is a new and improved garden of Eden, a paradise. A place where anxieties and irritations could never exist – nor anger or sadness also. Sometimes all we want – all we need is some time to ourselves to cleanse ourselves of emotions we don’t feel we have much of a control over. Sometimes the ways in which people make you upset and agitated and push you – make you want to disappear and retreat off into your own little world, compelled by all the fears and anxieties that creep up – anger that may also flare up at how say, family members tick us off and get right on our last nerve. A nightmare of a situation you feel you can’t escape from and dread every lasting minute of nothing being under your control. Influenced by others to no good convenience that only lands you deeper in the shit. Ugh, nightmares all right. Make’s you really want to stand your ground and enforce that ‘NO!’ when need be and try freeing yourself of the horrendous clutches of your captors. Really the best thing to do is split, bail, run, leave – separate yourself and go to that safe sanctuary, a sanctuary you hope you can find to even put to peace the dreams that follow in those stressful times.” – Mugdowie.

  Enter Scenario

  “Don’t get the gears right and you’ve got room to grind them, and when you grind them you lose momentum in forward motion. Crunching through the gears is a setback, and sometimes we just don’t have the time to just fuck around. We can’t be sitting around with our fingers up our arse and we can’t afford any setbacks. So – no setbacks, got it? And that includes not forgetting shit you should already know and have working second nature. I’ve been in that circumstance more often than I had preferred - but it’s always a beautiful, sweet relief when we get that nice, smooth and clean ride…